Dec 13, 2022Liked by Kennedy Morganfield

Sadness is so grounding. I feel like my body wasn’t made for most of the things I feel. I never feel connected to my life because it always feels so wrong, everything is so ....I can’t even describe it, it’s just so capitalism. I want to lay in grass for the rest of my life. Sometimes my heart feels warmth when I’m at my lowest points because I know women before me sobbed into their mother lap about the deep sadness they felt in their lives and it feels vital to be a part of that.

Thank you for writing :)

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Kennedy Morganfield

Start the Sopranos and have the best Christmas break binge<3 I'm also so sad about Minx </3 :( But I really empathize with where you're coming from here on your relationship with sadness. I used to feel this way when I was depressed for a long time. For a moment, it seemed like I enjoyed staying depressed and sad all the time because of the identity I had built around it. I felt safe in my melancholy, and who would I be once I let myself be happy again? I realized I was much more than just my sadness, but it still grounds me when necessary.

Suffice to say, thank you for your words <3

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Kennedy Morganfield

Yes yes yes to this 💞 hugs to you lil sister !

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Kennedy Morganfield

Watch The Sorpranos. Watch The Wire if you haven’t. And then watch Oz.


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